Presentation files now available to Autotech Council members in the library.

A mini Autotech Council Innovation review on the Sensors Converge show floor. 3 Autotech Council members take the stage to meet 5 automotive sensors startups - each gets time to pitch and time for questions and followup. This is a unique opportunity for anyone to see how the Autotech Council works, what the tech scouts working across mobility are looking for, and meet some cutting edge startups.

  • Date:6/21/2023 03:00 PM - 6/21/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location Santa Clara Convention Center (Map)


All members of the Autotech Council wider community are welcome to come listen to these companies and spend a few hours walking the expo floor. Get a FREE Expo Hall Pass or save $100 on an All Access Pass with code AUTOTECH100 if you register before April 28. 

Autotech Council members take the stage to meet automotive sensors startups - each gets time to pitch and time for questions and followup. Thanks to our members for joining our Q&A panel at Sensors Converge:

  • Hyundai CRADLE's Open Innovation Project Manager, Tafflyn Toy    
  • Mayfield Fund's Director Of Business Development, Shelby Golan 
  • Nissan's Researcher - Autonomous Vehicle Prediction & Planning , HuiChing Chen

Technologies in this session's line up include:

  • Perception 
  • Smart Vision
  • Digital Radar
  • Sensor Fusion
  • ...with 1 spot open, apply now...

Startups working on sensors innovation in automotive and mobility are encouraged to apply for this on-stage pitch session on the show floor. Apply here before April 28.